Night Shift

1. Consistency for Personal Responsibilities:
Working a permanent night shift provides a consistent schedule, which can be beneficial for managing childcare and other personal responsibilities. Knowing exactly when you will be working each week allows for better planning and stability in your daily life.

2. Feeling Excluded from Day-to-Day Business:
Night shift workers may feel left out or excluded from the daily operations and social interactions that occur during daytime hours. This can impact team cohesion and make it harder to stay connected with the broader organization.

3. Challenges in Organizing Training:
It can be difficult to organise shiftwork training for night shift workers. For example, I recently delivered a training session for a company in New Zealand with a start time of 12 AM. Not everyone is willing or able to attend training at such hours, which complicates skill development and team training initiatives.

4. Higher Pay Rates:
Many organisations offer higher pay rates for night shifts as an incentive, which can be a significant financial benefit. This additional income can help offset the challenges associated with working unconventional hours.

5. Quieter Work Environment:
Night shifts often involve fewer interruptions and distractions, enabling you to focus better and potentially be more productive. The quieter environment can be ideal for tasks requiring concentration and attention to detail.

6. Reduced Productivity Due to Circadian Misalignment:
Because night shift workers are active during hours they would normally be sleeping, productivity can often be lower. This misalignment with the body’s natural circadian rhythm can lead to decreased alertness and efficiency, making it challenging to perform at peak levels.

Is it time to review your roster?  

To help manage the unique challenges of night shifts, we use FAID. FAID provides an hour-by-hour prediction of fatigue risk using a scientifically validated bio-mathematical approach. We also discuss the business and personal implications using a structured conversation to help develop the best roster for your team.

email with a brief summary of your current rostering concerns and download our Roster Review Brochure.